***** "Alive Through the Dawn" a Fruits Basket fanfic by Ysabet MacFarlane (ba087@chebucto.ns.ca) Part Two (a) of Two Please note that this file is the first HALF of part two, broken for the convenience of readers who dislike reading large stories in one sitting. ****** ****** "tears on the sleeve of a man don't want to be a boy today" --Tori Amos, "Pretty Good Year" (Under the Pink) ****** The rain was just starting to come down in earnest by the time Haru got back to Kazuma's house; he would have missed the initial downpour, but he had to loiter at school until the other Sohmas were gone--no small task with Momiji hovering anxiously, obviously willing to wait for him. The sky was dark gray and yawning overhead by the time he finally made it out, small drops of rain darkening his uniform as he hurried down the road. He was nearly soaked to the skin when he arrived, the cold stiffening his muscles under their layers of bruises. A quick swipe through his hair sent water showering the front step as he slid the front door open and stepped into the entryway. The tension in the air hit him like a wall before he could even open his mouth for the ritual announcement of his return, and he kicked his shoes off and headed into the hallway without any further attempt at not bringing water in with him. The silhouette in the doorway was instantly familiar, ripping through the careful ways he kept his temper in check before he could put a name to it. A woman backlit in a doorway, the lines of her body and her scent painfully similar to Rin's. He was almost blind with fury by the time his hand was on her shoulder, spinning her around with no care for whether her limbs or head slammed into the door frame. He felt a sick surge of disappointment when there was no resounding crack of flesh against wood. "I did advise you to leave before Hatsuharu got back," Kazuma said from a few feet away, as calm as if Haru were offering his guest tea. Rin's mother jerked her gaze away from Haru's seething rage. "You have no right to keep me from her." She was rigid against the wall, and even the scent of her fear was familiar, unbearably similar to the sweat born from terror and pain that Haru had tasted on her daughter's skin more times than he could count. Nausea tore through his guts, and he gouged his fingers deep into her skin, trying not to throw up. "How long has she been here, Shihan?" He grated the words out through sheer force of will. "Has she seen Rin?" "She arrived about twenty minutes ago--" Kazuma began. "HAS SHE SEEN RIN?" "You have no right--" Rin's mother said again, and Haru shook her, shoving her toward the door. "YOU have no rights to her at all." She started to turn back, and he moved closer, blocking her way. "You threw her away like she was _nothing_, and I'll break your fucking neck before I let you touch her." His voice was starting to spiral into a scream, abused vocal chords burning in his throat. *Rin can hear me.* He swallowed the next words, spitting them at her under his breath. "Get the fuck out. You're not seeing her." "What kind of a daughter wouldn't want to see her mother?" She was trying to glare back at him, but her face was corpse-white with fear. "She might want to see you," he whispered. "But there's nothing you can do that won't hurt her. It doesn't matter anymore. If you hit her she'll think she deserves it. If you hug her she'll wonder what changed, if you love her again, how long it'll be before you stop. She didn't get sick because you beat her, she got sick because you always had her wondering and scared and trying to fix things so you'd just love her again." "You're insane," she said. "Has anyone ever hit you? Like you hit her?" "I've _never_ hit Isuzu--" "Then you let her dad do it. It's still your fault. D'you know what it feels like?" "You're--" "Doesn't matter if I'm crazy." Kazuma was still watching from the doorway, making no move to stop him. "Do you have ANY idea?" Her head shook minutely, dark eyes--so exactly like Rin's eyes--staring up at him. Haru's hand clenched into a painful fist and he lashed out, aiming low, imagining the crunch of shattering bone under his hand with a queasy anticipation that was like nothing he'd ever felt. Hated, almost-beloved eyes widened with pure terror, and his stomach rebelled as his fist struck flesh--the familiar feel of Kazuma's hand blocking the blow. "Shihan--" "You pulled the punch," Kazuma said gently, stepping between them. "Good. You'll be glad of it later." Haru flinched and stumbled away, trying to choke back the bile in his mouth. Kazuma nodded and turned back to Rin's mother. "You will leave my house now." The steadiness of his teacher's voice rang in Haru's ears as he bolted into the depths of the house, barely making it to the toilet room before he vomited, acid pain that did nothing to relieve the pressure in his head. Rin was hovering uncertainly in the doorway when he sat back on his heels and swiped the back of his hand across his mouth. "There's tea." For a moment he was disoriented by her appearance, unused to seeing her in traditional clothes. It took real effort to balance and push himself to his feet, with the floor spinning under him. "Did you want to see her?" Her arm slipped around his waist, so light that it barely registered against bruised flesh, and he followed her to the sink. "Yes." Something horrible and empty in the single word, an echo from yet another part of herself she'd all but murdered to survive. Water spattered into the sink and he washed his hands mechanically, rinsed his mouth to clear away the taste of frustration. "Rin." Numb lips barely managed to shape her name, and he leaned against the wall, staring into her eyes and trying to reconcile all the broken pieces of herself she'd poured into his hands. Unwanted child. Would-be whore. Beloved, fragile girl, so close to slipping through his fingers. "Come on," she said softly, taking his hand and leading him toward the comfort of the kotatsu. Kazuma was waiting for them. He waved Rin away when she reached for the teapot, and carefully poured steaming cups for both of them. Haru wrapped his hands around the ceramic, flexing his fingers against the heat; across the table, Rin was doing the same. "Should we have let her see you, child?" *Child.* The gentle endearment brought Haru back into full attentiveness, and he watched a spill of emotions make their way across Rin's face. She shook her head uncertainly, and Haru marveled at the unguarded moment, trying to imagine how different she might have been if Kazuma had made another choice and raised her beside Kyo. "No," she said, setting her cup down. The clink of it touching the table almost hid the quiver in her voice. "It's better this way." She rested her head in her hands and gazed out the window. Darkness was falling fast; the lights in the room reflected back from streaks of rain on the glass. "It's really coming down." "Until tomorrow night," Kazuma said. "Not the best weather for traveling." "Traveling?" Haru asked. "Ah--that's right, I was telling Isuzu earlier, before we were interrupted. I'd almost forgotten that there's a conference this weekend I should attend. Kunimitsu reminded me this morning. We're supposed to leave tonight and return the day after tomorrow, but he's offered to stay with the two of you. He's gone home to pack his things, but he said we should call if you want him." "We'll be all right," Rin replied, still looking outside. "Or did you want him to stay to keep up appearances?" "Have you suddenly developed a concern for propriety, Isuzu?" A faint smile twisted her mouth. "I don't care what the family thinks of me, or what anyone else thinks of the family." She shrugged and faced them again as she held her cup close to her face and inhaled the steam. "No one's likely to notice, anyway." "Hatsuharu?" Haru shook his head. "She's right. We'll be fine." His hand shook as he sipped his tea, but Kazuma made no comment. "If that's settled, I'm going down to the dojo to take care of some things there. I'll leave it locked when I'm done. Isuzu, do you remember where the spare keys are in case anyone needs to get in while I'm away?" Rin nodded, and Kazuma touched her shoulder lightly as he moved toward the back door. "Hatsuharu. You understand that I couldn't allow you to hurt our guest earlier?" The mouthful of tea stung going down, as his throat tensed. "Shihan, I'm sor--" "I don't want insincere apologies." "Yes, Shihan." A belated thought struck him. "How did she know Rin was here? Why would she come . . ." "After so long?" Kazuma peered thoughtfully out the window. "She wasn't very forthcoming about the source of her information. As for her motivations . . . " He glanced back at them, a rare hint of anger tightening his lips. "Why, indeed, after so many years without a word?" Rin avoided his eyes. "Rest easy, Isuzu. I may ask you for details of what happened at some point, but not now. Whatever's happened, you're safe here." She nodded unsteadily, and his gaze turned to Haru. "Your self-control has improved." Haru's head jerked up in surprise. "Only a few years ago I would have had to pull you away much sooner." Kazuma turned away and disappeared outside without waiting for a response. "I'm glad you didn't hurt her," Rin murmured when he was gone, and Haru nodded. She reached across the table and ran her thumb over his knuckles, tracing the lines of his half-clenched fist. "I'm not." He watched the words hit her, the small shudder that wracked her shoulders and made him want to rub the tension out again. "I'm no better than them, I--" "Do you remember the last time my mother spoke to me?" she asked abruptly. A fresh jolt of anger ran through him, hot and familiar. "Yeah." "Do you remember what you did?" "Nothing," he whispered. Rin blinked, and a look crossed her face that he hadn't seen in a long time: bemused affection at the differences in the ways they thought. "Don't look at me like that." He heard the yearning in his own voice, turned away from the tenderness in her eyes. "I think you were nine," she said. "You must've just turned nine. I was eleven, and I remember not missing too much school, because everything fell apart right before summer break." "What difference does--" "You yelled at Mama until she left," Rin said quietly. "That's a big thing for a little kid. And you didn't calm down until Kazuma-san asked us if we wanted you to stay with me overnight. I guess the doctor was so freaked out by what Mama had done that he agreed--even with all the paperwork, he didn't like it. Do you remember?" "Yeah," Haru replied, the memory sharpening as she spoke. It took shape piece by piece. Rin had always been the one to remember details, but from her he'd learned to remember the things that struck her as important. The long-ago night when she had slept at the hospital for the first time came clear: skeptical nurses bringing a small cot into the room so someone--he--could sleep near her. The few adults who cared what happened to her had been elsewhere, probably discussing her future. "They gave me painkillers or something, so I fell asleep," Rin said. Haru nodded. She had curled into a tiny ball that took up hardly any of her hospital bed, and he had lain awake for a long time, listening to the unfamiliar noises of the hospital. So he heard the sounds from the other side of the room--the soft whimper of misery, and then the rustling of fabric as she pushed her face into the pillow to keep quiet. "You had a bad dream, and I . . . " "You remember?" He remembered climbing out of the bed they'd given him, and padding across the cold floor to clamber up beside her. He'd sat shivering, patting her shoulder awkwardly, until she curled up against him, her damp face pressed against his side. *Don't leave me alone.* So they'd fallen asleep together on the small bed, clutching each other as much to keep from falling off as for comfort. His first memory of her body, like a harbinger of things to come--bandages and bruises and an IV needle buried in her arm. "There's nothing clumsier than a Jyuunishi kid trying to hug, is there?" Haru asked, and Rin's eyes lightened for a moment, with a silent laugh. "I was so glad you stayed," she said, leaning forward to rest her head on the table. "It was just the one night, and I was so lonely while I was there, but it made everything else easier." Her fingers rubbed idly against his. "I'm glad you're here now." "I love you," he breathed, and she glanced up with a look that loosened the knot of tension in his stomach. Behind her, the door slid open as Kazuma returned, wringing rainwater out of his kimono. "I think I'll abandon the idea of walking to the train station." He paused on the threshold and attempted to look stern. "Remember to eat while we're gone. Hatsuharu, are you going to school again tomorrow?" "I--" Haru blinked, not having thought that far ahead. "Rin might need me." "She may. I must admit that I would prefer it if she weren't left alone." Rin opened her mouth as if to protest, but subsided. Kazuma nodded, a hint of a smile crinkling the corners of his eyes. "Learning to pick your battles is an excellent plan, Isuzu." "What time is your train?" "Seven thirty, I believe. Kunimitsu has the tickets. And now I'll do my part and go pack before he returns and feels the need to do it for me." ***** Kunimitsu appeared within half an hour, drenched and anxious about their schedule. He was obviously relieved that Kazuma was ready to go, and just as obviously distressed about leaving Rin and Haru alone in the house. To his credit, the worry was mostly due to genuine concern for Rin, rather than the household's reputation; he refused to leave until he had heated some soup and watched them eat it. When they finally left, Kazuma had to take his anxious assistant by the arm and escort him out to the waiting taxi. As the door closed behind them, Rin rubbed her eyes wearily. "I swear he thinks I can't walk or feed myself." "_I'm_ not sure you'll feed yourself," Haru pointed out. "That's not the point." She flushed and feigned interest in the ceiling. "I should dust the house tomorrow. Kunimitsu's been cooking and fussing so much that I don't think the place has been cleaned since I got here." "You are _not_ doing chores yet," Haru said. "You've been doing things outside--" "And I'm not sick." "Not for lack of trying," she muttered, walking to the window and pressing her nose against it. Haru watched her reflection, blurred by the mist from her breath and the rivulets of water streaming down the glass. Only an occasional glimpse of moonlight from the horizon pierced the tree line and the stormy blackness outside. *What do you see out there, love?* "It's like the world's gone," she said, as if she'd heard. "Do you think it'll flood tonight?" "Shouldn't be a problem no matter how much it rains," Haru replied. "The gardens are all on the slope, and the dojo's above ground level." "Can we go see the cherry blossoms this year? If they survive?" "Definitely." He smiled at the hopefulness in her voice. "You're already dressed for it." She glanced down at herself as if she'd forgotten what she was wearing, and smoothed the sleeve. "This kimono's too plain. I'll have to find something else." She stared back out at the rain. "It's been years since I wore one for anything but New Year's. Not since I was a kid." "We'll have to make sure you get something beautiful," Haru said, but she was pressing her forehead against the glass and he wondered if she'd heard. "I need to go outside," she said abruptly, turning away from the window. "The rain doesn't look too bad." Haru tried to get a clear view through the water-distorted pane. The rain looked absolutely torrential to him. "Will you be warm enough?" "I have to go out," Rin repeated, and started toward the garden door. Haru followed, opting not to protest further. The look in her eyes said she wasn't in the mood for argument. The rain was obviously coming down in sheets when she opened the door, but she went out without hesitation, stepping out of her slippers and walking barefoot into the wet grass. The wind caught the loose locks of her hair as soon as she was out of the house's protection, whipping them around her head. Moonlight was occasionally visible through the racing clouds, and she stared up at them as if she had never seen the sky before. Haru stood beside her and watched the shadows and light play across her face; they lightened her hair and hid her eyes in an eerie, reflective darkness. Watching her expression, he didn't notice that she was loosening her kimono until it slid off her shoulders and her eyes squeezed shut against the sudden cold of the wind and rain hitting her bare skin. "Rin--" "I need the air," she said. "Don't look if you don't want to." Haru laughed in spite of himself. "You think I don't want to look?" Her eyes flashed open, and he reached out to touch her shoulder. "I just don't want you to freeze." A faint smile touched her mouth. "Too late." She hesitated a moment, and the clouds' shadows hid her eyes completely. "Warm me up?" "Now?" he asked, responding to the implicit invitation. Her fingers wound into the fabric of the kimono, where she was holding it around her waist. "Are you ready now?" "You mean, will I regret it?" She nodded, and he slid his hand around to the nape of her neck, leaning close to her ear. "You remember you said you needed me to understand about you?" She nodded again. "I don't. Not yet. But I need you to understand some things too." "Like what?" "Like . . . I love _you_." She blinked up at him, and he kissed her temple lightly, reaching for words that were determined to elude him. "I need you to understand that your body's not what I'm in love with." She frowned at him. "I know that." "I used to think that wanting to touch you and be with you all the time was how I could show you I loved you. Only it didn't work--I was half-addicted to you, and that got you hurt." He wrapped his arms around her, letting her shivers run into his body. The rain had saturated their hair; the top of her head was soaking wet when he pressed his cheek against it. "I don't want that to happen again." "I know," she whispered. "I'm not scared of it, though. I always believed you loved me." "Even when I was a selfish kid?" "Even then." She clasped her hands behind his neck and leaned back. "It's your decision, Haru." "You're sure you're ready?" She met his eyes steadily and nodded. "When you are." "I don't want to hurt you." "I know." Her arms tightened around him when he pulled her close again; the sound she made as she snuggled into him would have been enough to arouse him on its own. He closed his eyes and held her, breathing in her scent as he ran his hands firmly over her back, trying to smooth the rain and the goosebumps away. She tensed when he touched her scar, and immediately tried to relax again. "It's part of you," he murmured. He leaned down and brushed a kiss against her shoulder, grazing her lightly with his teeth. "You don't hide it. And any part of you that everyone else gets to look at, I get to touch." She took a slow, shuddering breath, and nodded. "Do you want to go inside yet?" he asked. "In a minute." She let go of the kimono entirely, worked her hands up under his shirt. "Take this off." "Ok." Haru released her long enough to peel the shirt off, dropping it on the ground as he hugged her. He gasped involuntarily at the combined sensations of the rain and her naked body pressed against his half-clothed one. "Better," she whispered, and kissed him. Her lips were cold from the evening chill, contrasting with the warmth inside her mouth and the hungry way she tasted him. Pressed so close together, the shivers that wracked her were impossible to ignore, even with the distraction of her hands on his waist. He broke the kiss and held her head against his shoulder, closing his eyes and trying to force his breathing back under control. "Are you ok?" she whispered, tracing the lines of his tattoo with one finger, as if unable to hold herself still. "Are _you_?" he replied. Silence. Her finger kept moving, the edge of her nail scraping his skin. "Rin, come on. Talk to me." He ran his free hand over her back, trying to give her a little warmth. "We should go inside." She tensed against him, and he kissed the top of her head. "I'm not changing my mind. But it's too cold out here." He bent and pressed his lips against her ear. "When it's summer and you're stronger, if you want to do this outside, I'd love to. Sounds fun. But not now. The only thing I want to worry about is how to make you feel good." He bent further and kissed her neck as she shivered. "I want you warm and comfortable and too distracted to remember your own name, lovely girl. Inside, on your own bed." "I just want myself back." The soft words were almost unintelligible. "I don't want to be for sale." Haru rested his cheek on her forehead. "Freezing to death out here isn't going to prove anything." She pushed away from him, wrapping her arms around herself. "I'm not trying to 'prove'--" "Not even to yourself?" He reached out and stroked her shoulder, unable to keep from running his eyes over her body. Her desperate thinness and the awkward way she held herself against the cold had little effect on the way he responded to her. "Rin, are you sure you want to do this?" "I need to," she said. "Why?" He closed his hand on her arm, giving her an opening to come back into his embrace, and she took it. "Haru, if you don't want to--" He interrupted that train of thought by kissing her, not trying to be gentle about it as he held her close, making sure she could feel him wanting her. Her head fell back, offering no resistance to the way he explored her mouth. "Was that a silly thing to say?" she murmured when he'd stopped, and his grip on her relaxed again. "Kind of, yeah." He kissed her temple, and the wind brushed loose strands of her hair against his face. "I don't want to think," she said, her lips moving against his collarbone while she spoke. "I haven't done anything but think and dream for months, Haru. I want to feel like myself again. Alive. I don't want my body to be just something to be used anymore." She touched her hair, clenching her fingers into it. "I don't want anyone to touch me but you." An edge of hysteria lurked in her voice, and Haru let go of her long enough to retrieve the wet kimono from the grass and wrap it around her shoulders. "Shhh. No one's going to if you don't want them to." "It always hurts when people touch me," she whispered. "Mama and Daddy. Akito. And then when I went to Gure-nii, I . . . I told myself that was all there was. Because I'd never be with you again." "Did you really expect him to take you up on it?" Rin shrugged helplessly in his arms. "I didn't know. I thought he had to know _something_, and he always makes jokes about girls, and I'm pretty enough . . . " "And you expected him to hurt you?" "I didn't know," she repeated, burying her face between his chest and arm, as if she could hide there. His skin and the dull sound of the rain muffled her voice. "I didn't know, I didn't _know_, and then when he was gone I felt so filthy. Like when men stare at me on the street, only I did it to myself." She inhaled slowly, and Haru waited for her to regain control of herself. "I did it. It doesn't matter that he didn't touch me." He hugged her tightly, until her spine cracked in protest. "You're _not_ filthy. It doesn't matter what Akito's voice whispers to you in the dark." He gripped her hand and lifted it, closing his mouth over her wrist so her pulse beat against his tongue. Rin made a low, wordless sound in response, and he sucked at her skin until she pulled her hand away. "You taste clean to me," he said simply. "Do you want to go inside now?" "Yes," she said, and took his hand in both of hers, holding it tightly against her chest while they went into the house and down the hall to her room. ***** and how I kissed you then and you kissed me shy as though I'd never been your lover --Leonard Cohen, "Song [I almost went to bed]" (The Spice-Box of Earth) ***** Rin slid her bedroom door closed as carefully as if they weren't alone in the house, and let the kimono slide off her shoulders. Naked in the lamplight, only the way she looked at him belied the vulnerable way she held herself. Haru splayed his fingers over her heart as she sat on the edge of the bed, feeling her pulse against his palm while he kissed stray raindrops off her face. She kept shivering, and after a minute he got up again. "The blankets are going to waste," he said, and Rin nodded, tucking her knees against her chest to give him room to turn back the covers. "You're still half-dressed," she pointed out as she snuggled down. "I know." Haru slid in next to her, and she ran a hand up the inside of his thigh, caressing him through rain-soaked fabric. He sucked in a sharp breath at the knowing way her fingers worked against his cock. He closed his eyes and sprawled beside her, trying to muster the willpower to stop her. "Rin--" Her lips moved against his ear, playing with the studs; the hand that wasn't busy between his legs stroked his throat and the collar he was wearing. "That feels--" A light, slow lick along his jaw made him lose track of the sentence. He caught her by the waist and rolled over, pinning her under his weight, gritting his teeth with the effort of not grinding against the softness of her body. "We've got all night, love. D'you have your heart set on hard and fast?" A slow shiver went through her. "No." She lifted her head off the pillow and kissed his chin. "Touching you just feels so good." "You have _no_ idea," Haru replied fervently. He lifted himself off her, cradling her face between his hands and kissing her slowly while he got comfortable beside her. He nudged her head so that she was facing away from him, and began kissing up along her throat. She made an appreciative sound when he traced the whorls of her ear with his tongue, giving extra attention to the sensitive place behind the lobe; when he stopped, she gave him a sidelong glance. "Turn over," he said, and she stretched and obeyed, gathering a pillow up under her chest and resting her cheek on it. Haru kissed the small of her back, began to make his way up her spine; when his lips reached her hairline, he slid one hand up the inside of her thigh, cradling her in his palm while he nipped the base of her neck. She shivered violently when he put weight on her back, holding her still while he ran his tongue over her vertebrae. The subtle changes in her body as she responded made him smile against her skin. He kept his hand between her legs while he continued kissing around the back of her neck; he explored behind her ears, tracing cartilage and bone, but always returned to the base of her skull. She twisted helplessly under him when he used his tongue and the edges of his teeth; whimpered when he took his mouth away and carefully exhaled over her skin. He rested his cheek on the back of her head, savoring the obvious effort she was making to breathe steadily. "Haru--" "Hmm?" He slid his fingers idly back and forth against her, smiling at the warm wetness that undermined the forced steadiness in her voice. She shuddered and whispered something incoherent as he stroked her with far more gentleness than he'd used on her neck. "You ok?" "Mmm. Are you going to let me move?" The last words disintegrated into a startled sigh when he kissed her shoulder and rubbed against her with a little more force. She made a sound that might have been the beginning of his name, but it was lost in a string of barely-audible syllables that meant nothing. Haru closed his eyes and listened: the sound of her voice, as she lost control of what she was saying, had been a major feature of every erotic dream he could remember. The need for caution every other time they'd been together had taught her to keep her voice down, but he had a vivid idea of what she might sound like, freed of worry and paranoia. "Maybe," he murmured. " . . . what?" The confusion in the single word made him chuckle under his breath. "Nothing." He nuzzled the back of her neck, her hair tickling his face, and kept moving his fingers. "Rin." "Mmm?" "Just let me touch you for a while. Trust me?" He kissed the side of her neck, the shallow indentation behind her collarbone; she twitched under him when he sucked hard at the soft skin there, and he felt her legs open a little more. Her heart was racing, the pulse fluttering against his cheek. "Always," she whispered back, and what he heard in her voice, felt in her body, made him moan into her neck. He slid an arm under her, gripping her shoulder and holding her against him as he sat up. A flicker out of the corner of his eye reminded him that there was a mirror across from the bed, and he stared at it for a moment. Their eyes met in the reflection and Rin smiled, her head falling back on his shoulder. She let him lay her down across his lap, her slight body frighteningly easy to manipulate. He traced the lines of her ribs, the unevenness where they'd been broken repeatedly in childhood, and for a moment was almost blinded with anger. Rin felt it, propped herself up on one elbow and touched his face. "It doesn't matter." She took his hand in hers, and twisted one of his rings around. "I should get rid of those," Haru said, and pulled the bands off, dropping them on the bedside table with a faint clank. Rin wrapped a necklace around her fingers, rubbed at his collar again. "Leave the rest." Haru had a sudden, vivid memory of the red impressions their jewelry had often left in each other's skin, of Rin using a scarf to cover them more than once. Her skin was far more sensitive than his, and it sometimes took hours for the imprints to fade. The delicacy of her body almost made him flinch; instead, he moved his legs out from under her, and slid his hands around her sides. She let herself be eased onto her back, and he kissed the damaged bones that would never be perfect again. He felt her breath catch, from pleasure or memory; he moved his mouth to her breast, and one hand back between her legs. Her hips shifted, pushing into his fingers, and she whispered something he couldn't quite hear. He kissed further down along her body, helpless anger channeling into a need to make her forget everything that had ever been done to her, everything but what he was doing. When he nudged at her thighs, she spread them wider without any further prompting, something that had always taken coaxing before. He glanced up at her face, saw the faint hint of color on her cheeks, and smiled at her before he bent to replace his fingers with his mouth. He let his hand wander down her leg, caressing idly while paying close attention to her responses, relearning how much pressure she liked, what angles made shudders run through her. When he took another quick look at her face, she was almost expressionless, her eyes squeezed shut. The heat radiating off her body warmed his face, and he shivered with anticipation, pressing his finger into her. "Is that ok?" he asked, rubbing his cheek hard against her thigh. "Yes," she managed, and he pushed further, as far as he could reach. The stifled cry that escaped her in response sent a shudder of empathy through him. Having any part of his body in hers made him want more; he eased another careful finger into her. She began to relax against his hand, warm dampness on his knuckles and palm and thumb while he touched her inside and out; he let her adjust to his touch before he began to explore her with his mouth again. She arched hungrily against him, and he caressed her harder, trying to coordinate his fingers and tongue. "Breathe, love," he said softly, when she abruptly stopped moving. She was quivering with tension, her body taut with the effort of holding herself still. It made him smile through his own body's sympathetic ache. He carefully repeated what he had just done, and watched her fingers claw at the sheets beside his head. "Rin. Breathe," he repeated, enjoying the noises she was making: quick, startled gasps punctuating the constant murmur that was too faint to make out. She made a soft sound of protest, but inhaled slowly. Only her hands were moving, running convulsively from the sheets to his shoulders and upper arms, any part of him she could reach. He freed up a hand and took hers, twining their fingers and rubbing his thumb over her palm. Her breathing went shallow again almost at once, and Haru closed his eyes to savor the moment when she climaxed, the helpless tremors that ran through her while she tried not to move away from his mouth. Her nails gouged into his skin, a reflex she had acquired when they learned that it was the only way she could keep from making more noise than had ever been safe. The choked-off sound that accompanied the sudden pain in his hand and shoulder sent a pleasant shiver down his spine. The tension in her body eased, but didn't vanish entirely. He kissed her thighs lightly and rested his head in the cradle between her hips and ribcage, inhaling the warm scents of arousal and sweat while she released his hand and threaded her fingers through his hair. A gentle tug told him that she wanted him closer; he burrowed his face into her skin, parting his lips to breathe through both his mouth and nose. He closed his eyes and licked her slowly, from the slight curve of her belly and up between her breasts, wondering how much ordinary people appreciated the added dimensions of taste and smell. The differences between Jyuunishi and uncursed people ran deeper than they liked to admit. He moved to lie beside her, leaving one hand nestled between her legs while he hugged her with the other arm. She stretched in a languid way that made him smile, her eyes fixed on his. The stretch worked through her entire body, giving him a beautiful view of her breasts as her back arched, before she curled against him and finally relaxed completely. "Love you," he whispered, sliding his hand around to stroke her back. She didn't flinch when he touched her scar, and that gave him another layer of satisfaction. "Mmm," she murmured back, kissing his throat. He laughed at the lazy contentment in her voice, then moaned involuntarily as her tongue traced his pulse and moved down to the shallow crescent cuts in his skin. She made no apology for the small wounds, but paid careful attention to them. He closed his eyes and let himself think of nothing but what she was doing. They held each other close for a long time, savoring the freedom to take their time. The ache of needing her was steady, but the anticipation was warm and pleasant. Her hands wandered over his bare upper body and outside his pants; the caresses might almost have been innocent except for the way she returned more and more frequently to stroke his erection. Haru let himself press into her touch, the soft friction of her palm, and resisted the temptation to finish undressing until she finally plucked at the fabric of his pants with a sound of annoyance. "These have to go," she said, and he obligingly began working them down over his hips. Her fingers traced the lines of his body that were exposed while he peeled the offending clothing off. "Much better," she murmured when he was naked and lying down beside her again. Her hands slid up to cup his face while she kissed him, and he slowly rolled onto his back, turning control over to her. "Take me when you want me," he said when she lifted her head. Rin sat up and smiled. The bed shifted as she knelt beside him and started caressing him. He let himself respond freely to her touch until he felt her lips and tongue on his cock. The jolt of pleasure was almost too intense to form words through; he reached down and touched her face, stopping her. "N-not like that." He fingered a lock of hair that had escaped from behind her ear. "I want to be inside you the first time." The warmth of her breath on him as she spoke made him tremble. "Even though you did it for me?" A torturously slow, open-mouthed kiss punctuated the words. "We have as long as we want, remember?" There was a raw intensity in her eyes that he didn't recognize. He remembered seeing desire on her face, and need, but never the lust that was there now. The hint of ferocity sang to the parts of him that he had spent his life trying to keep under control. She lowered her head and kissed him again, her lips parted temptingly, and it was all he could do not to bury his fingers in her hair and let himself be lost. He gritted his teeth and tried to ignore the way exhaustion and his earlier fury were conspiring to keep his rougher side too close to the surface. "Don't, lovely girl, please--" "All right," she said, and the bed shifted again as she straddled him and kissed his chest. He lay almost motionless under her while she ran her nails lightly along his sides and reached down to guide their bodies together. She took her time, easing into place, using her other hand to brace herself on his chest. The slow deliberation of her movements made it hard not to push up into the welcoming heat of her body. Then her full weight was on him, and her fingers were stroking his hair, and the pleasure of it made him gasp. "Don't move," he managed, sliding his arms around her and holding her still, unable to keep himself from arching deeper into her. When she kissed him he tightened his grip on her and shook his head, repeating, "Don't move." "Hmm?" She tilted her head at him but obediently held still. "Just for a couple of minutes, love." Even the movement of her breathing against him felt good. "It's just . . . my body's ready to come, and the rest of me would rather wait a while." Rin nodded and tucked her head under his chin, tracing light circles over his chest with one fingertip. Her heart beat against him, indistinguishable from his. "I want you every way I can think of," she said quietly; the intensity in her was undiminished by the fact that he couldn't see her face, that her voice had softened. "Like this, and in my mouth, and kissing me until I can't breathe anymore--" She took his hand and rubbed her cheek hard along the inside of his arm. "All at once." He stroked her hair, felt her lips brush his arm, her tongue outlining the curved lines of his tattoo as he thrust into her again. She rested her hands on his chest and smiled, pushing back against him. The feel of their bodies moving together made his breath catch, but after a few moments Rin shook her head and broke the rhythm they'd established, tightening her arms around him as she turned onto her back. He blinked at her, startled, and she laced her fingers behind his head and pulled him down into a kiss that made him dizzy. "You don't have to be so gentle just because of--because this is the first time we've been together in so long," she said when they paused for air. "I won't break." She kissed his throat and shoulder. "Don't worry. Whatever mood you're in, I love you." He touched her face and felt tears on her cheek. "Rin--" "I can feel you holding back," she said. Her fingers trailed through his hair, caressing and possessive. She dropped her head back onto the pillow and pulled him tightly against her. "Whatever you need, it's ok." He buried his face against her neck, turning blindly toward her tears--tasting the salt, feeling the thrum of her vocal cords under his tongue. "I love you," he whispered. Small words for the tide flowing through him. The need to touch and taste and consume her was overwhelming, leaving almost no room for tenderness. "I'm just scared--I've missed you so much, I--" "I know." The raw ache in her voice made him push deeper into her, eliciting a whimper that had nothing to do with pain. "Harder," she said when he eased back, and he obeyed. Her body undulated against him in response, the force of it running from her torso and through her limbs. "Harder, harder . . . " He hesitated another moment, cradling her face with the hand that wasn't supporting his weight; she turned her head and licked at his palm and fingers. "Harder, Haru," she whispered, with that low fierceness that made him want her in a way he didn't quite trust. Her thighs clenched against his hips. "I don't want to feel anything else." Haru traced her lips, and she moved her head so his finger slid into her mouth. The muscles in her throat moved against his cheek while she sucked at him, and he put more weight on her body, pushing her hard against the bed. Her approving moan vibrated though his hand and face, and he stopped trying to stay in control of himself, the dangerous edge their family called 'Black' driving him while he thrust into her again and again. The rest of the world burned off like fog at sunrise; guilt and helplessness lost in the simple _rightness_ of being inside her, surrounded by her scent and voice, the exquisite feel of her pulse under his tongue and his chest, around his cock. He had no idea what she was saying, even though he vaguely heard his own voice answering her; all that mattered was the soft pliability of her body, broken only where their bones ground hard against each other, and the need to get just a bit closer, and closer again. He barely felt the way her nails were burying themselves in his back, raking down along his spine. His eyes closed involuntarily when he climaxed, an instant of blinding darkness before he forced them open again. Rin caressed him lightly while the wave of pleasure receded, and he started to register the pain in his back when her hands brushed against the scratches she'd left. Details took a moment to come into focus: the sheen of sweat on her skin, the raggedness of her breathing, the vibrant flush in tear-streaked cheeks. "Rin?" His throat tightened with worry. "I'm fine," she said. Haru lifted his weight off her so she could take a deep breath; her arms locked around him to keep him from moving more than an inch away from her. "Don't move." Haru compromised by holding her and turning onto his side; she clung to him, twining her legs with his, keeping their bodies joined. A flicker of pain crossed her face as they settled. "I hurt you," he said softly, not needing to frame it as a question. The faint scent of blood mixed with sweat and sex made his stomach turn over. "Not much," she replied, shaking her head. When he opened his mouth to apologize she kissed him. "And it still felt good. I love the feel of you when you're like that." She stretched, and marks above her breasts caught his eyes: imprints from his necklace, scratches from the pendant, reddening bruises from his mouth. Staring at them brought back only a hazy impression of needing to taste her while she writhed under him. "I don't under--" Rin pressed her fingertips against his mouth, and he kissed them instinctively. When his tongue touched the edges of her nails, he tasted coppery traces of his own blood. "I needed that as much as you did," she said. "Every second of it." Haru fingered a long welt across her collarbone, listening, and she touched it as well. "This doesn't turn me on, but it's nothing, Haru." "Make me understand," he whispered, resting his head on her shoulder, staring at the darkening marks. "I don't know how to say it. There're so many things mixed together in my head--" "Try. Please." Rin said nothing for a few minutes, and Haru held her in silence. "I love you," she said finally. "You're sweet and kind and gentle, and . . . that's not all you are. I want all of you, not just the parts you think are safe enough for other people to see. And . . . " she trailed off again, thinking. "What you just did to me felt good. Really, really good. Like you were filling up all the emptiness in me, not just my body." She shifted herself against him, reminding them both that their bodies were still connected. Her muscles clenched against his cock, which stirred slightly in response. She pressed her mouth against his ear. "I love having you lose control, even if it hurts a little. And it feels good when you hold me against the bed. It makes me feel . . . safe? Like you're between me and the world." "Being held down makes you feel safe?" he asked, and Rin kissed his hair lightly. "I don't want to talk anymore," she said, fingering the row of earrings in his left lobe. "Not right now." "Ok." His lips moved gently along her jaw, her cheekbone, the tip of her nose. "Do you want to go to sleep?" "Not yet. I want a shower and a soak." She turned her head and stared out the window at the rain. "And we should probably make sure the place is locked up." "Shihan said he'd take care of the dojo." Haru nuzzled her shoulder gently as she eased out of his arms and knelt beside him, wincing as their bodies slipped apart. He rolled onto his stomach and slid his fingers between her legs, a gentle, apologetic touch. She stayed still and let him caress her, ignoring the coolness of the night and the wetness slowly leaving her body. When Haru finally sat up, his hand and her thighs were damp and glistening. (continued in part 2b) ******** Fruits Basket is the creation of Takaya Natsuki, and is licensed in North America by FUNimation (anime) and Tokyopop (manga). Used without permission or the intention of making a profit. Please support the original work! "Alive Through the Dawn" © 2004-2006 by Ysabet MacFarlane . Edited by Alishya Lane; additional beta work by Flamika and Ginny T. Head cheerleader: KawaiiAyu. Comments and criticism welcomed at the above address. This story may be reproduced and archived so long as the original text is preserved and the author's name and contact information remain attached. Notifying the author of any such use is an appreciated courtesy. NO CHANGES OF ANY KIND ARE PERMITTED. All quoted lyrics/epigraphs are the property of their copyright holders, and are also used without permission. The title "Alive Through the Dawn" comes from the song "Crazy" by Tori Amos, found on the album "Scarlet's Walk".