X (X/1999) Fanfiction
X is about the end of the world. (No, really.) This is one of CLAMP's most famous titles, although it's presently on hiatus and has been for long enough that I'm in the camp that worries it will never be finished. The story is about two groups of people struggling to determine the destiny of the world: the Seven Seals/Seven Stars/Dragons of Heaven are fighting to preserve the world as we know it, while the Harbingers/Seven Angels/Dragons of Earth want to free the earth of humanity's infestation. Beautifully illustrated angst ensues, as the boy whose choices will ultimately determine the world's fate comes to terms with his power and makes his decision.
I like the series as a whole, but I'm particularly a fan of two supporting characters, Arisugawa Sorata and Kishuu Arashi (both of the Dragons of Heaven). So far they're the only characters who've inspired me to write about them. X is a story about Destiny, and their part of the story is no different. Sorata, a monk from the Shingon sect of Buddhism, was told as a child that his fate involves giving his life for the woman he loves. Within moments of meeting Arashi, a Shinto shrine maiden, Sorata decides that she's the woman in question, and nothing she says or does ever changes his mind. Watching Arashi--a composed, practical girl with a keen sense of responsibility--reluctantly warm to the lighthearted, exuberant Sorata is a sweet and subtle facet of a story known for the angst and brooding of the main characters.
X is owned by CLAMP, Asuka Magazine, and others.
is welcomed. ^_^